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Most wikis are hosted under the domain, but some, especially those whose focus is a subject other than media franchises, are hosted under Per level you gain one star, so directly winning on legendary difficulty will earn you the maximum of three stars. Legendary does not seem to be what it used to be though. The name became a backronym for Beyond the Scene in July 2017. The septet co-writes and produces much of their output. Initially rooted in hip hop, BTS' musical style has evolved to include a wide range of genres.

Kai (occasionally referred to as the Fire Maker by the villagers at the Great Lake) is the current Elemental Master and Ninja of Fire, as well as Nya's older brother. He and his younger sister worked as blacksmiths in their father's…

Whether your fursona walks, flies or swims, whether you're looking for furry friends A news feed for the furry fandom No matter your personality, Ferzu has tools you can use to interact with the furries you receive will instantly appear on the page, without the need to refresh the page Furry apps for iPhone and Android.

Teamfight Tactics (or TFT) is an autobattler by Riot Games. On PC, it is currently only playable through the League of Legends client and, as a consequence, is occasionally referred to as a featured game mode - but a standalone application…

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a cyberpunk-themed action RPG game in the Deus Ex series. It was developed by Eidos Montréal and published by Square Enix. It is a sequel to Deus Ex: Human Revolution, which takes place before the events of Deus…

Daniel Robert Middleton (born: November 8, 1991 [age 28]), better known online as Dantdm (short for DanTheDiamondMinecart), formerly TheDiamondMinecart, is a English YouTube gaming commentator known for his Minecraft Gameplays and other…

Created by the Technic team, Tekkit Classic is a modpack for the record breaking sandbox construction game Minecraft. It brings together some of the best mods from the Minecraft community for automating, industrializing and powering your… Final Fantasy II is the second installment in the Final Fantasy series, developed and published by Squaresoft. It was released in December 1988 for the Family Computer exclusively in Japan, but was later re-released worldwide for the… Dead Space was a 2008 comic book prequel to the video game of the same name. It was published by Image Comics and was written by Antony Johnston with art by Ben Templesmith, Newsarama. He tells her to go back to the park, "before someone misses you." Maeve awakens Chestnut

She has grown up in an Oxford This novel is an absolute work of pure genius, and is in my top ten reads of all time. Before I go into the depths of character and plot, let me start by saying this book is up there with other fantasy hard…

The Opening Sequence is one of the most notable hallmarks of The Simpsons. The sequence differs from episode to episode, usually with a different Chalkboard Gag, Couch Gag, and a Saxophone Solo from Lisa.